Therapists & Therapies List
​​Therapist Details​​
Caroline Moss
Web: www.cmossarttherapy.co.uk​
Tel: 07538 339811
Caroline Moss (IATE, UKCP) is an Integrative Arts Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and an Ecotherapist. Caroline trained at The Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education. She runs a private practise here and works with school age children/young people for a mental health charity. ​She has worked as a Counsellor since 2005 with a background in CBT, Brief Solution Focussed Therapy and Motivational Interviewing working with adults in Substance Misuse for the Criminal Justice System and Mental Health services with all ages.
Caroline is also a Reiki Practitioner, Fitness Trainer, Body Balance Teacher as well as a Dance Teacher for children.
Ecotherapy is the practice of helping people develop a symbiotic relationship with the more than human world to further therapeutic growth, deepen awareness of our impact on the natural world and inspire passion for taking more care. It can involve a variety of modalities and earth based practices including understanding and acknowledging the changing cycles and recognising how they impact us. Natural objects in the arts can help us connect to the healing power of nature.
Contact via email: cmossarttherapy@proton.me or head to www.cmossarttherapy.co.uk/for more info
Beth Astle
Reflexology works reflex areas on the feet or hands which correspond to organs and systems of the body. Working these reflexes affect the associated organs and body systems enabling them to decongest, rebalance and to stimulate healing.
Reflexology is a relaxing treatment that promotes better health to help a variety of conditions.
I offer one hour treatments. Buy five and get the sixth for free.
Do get in contact for more information.
m:07875 136040, e:footstepsreflexology@hotmail.com
Denise Whichello
With over 35 years of experience in the field of complementary medicine Denise estimates that she has carried out in excess of 50,000 treatments! She has trained extensively in osteopathy, massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, Indian head massage, nutrition, crystal therapy and other therapies. As well as an accomplished practitioner she has written over 25 books on complementary therapies including Hodder's popular 'Teach Yourself' series on Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Detox.
What to expect from a treatment
After a consultation Denise will select a unique combination of the therapies she practices to suit your requirements. A typical session would consist of deep tissue massage using specially selected aromatherapy essential oils together with some craniosacral therapy and reflexology. At the end of the session you will be given a bottle of your own unique prescription to take away with you so that the treatment can continue to take effect. Denise’s therapies are suitable for all health problems—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Even chronic conditions that have been present for many years may be alleviated.
0330 123 9811
Dr Liz Sparkes
Reiki, Yin yoga, meditation, ceremony and ritual & spiritual coaching
Liz Sparkes is a health psychologist, intuitive coach and meditation and reiki practitioner. After completing a PhD in Pain Psychology and training to facilitate meditation and mindfulness Liz developed academic and private transformational courses for heart-based living, meditation and compassion, awareness and moon living. Liz utilizes a mixture of psychological and ancient spiritual methods for healing and to support living life from the perspective of the heart, gaining greater insight and intuitive trust.
Email: drlizsparkes@gmail.com
Web: http://www.drlizsparkes.com/
Hayley Rogers
Psychic Readings
I have always been a psychic as a little girl I remember seeing spirits in my bedroom and used to spend alot of time outside playing with the nature spirits. My gifts have been passed down the family line, my welsh grandmother was known for reading the tea leaves in the air raid shelters during the second world war. . Having known alot of psychics whilst growing I picked up my first pack of tarot at the age of 16 and has continued with my spiritual development since then. Having travelled extensively I have also discovered many gifts in the healing field and ways of reading and have put the best together which I now uses in my own practice. I have a long list of healing modalities that I can offer as well as using tarot I also channels higher beings who can help you in all areas of your life.
A reading can help you to find out more about:
Relationships, Love, Work, Health and more..
for channelled readings please bring your questions with you.
Some of the healings include:
The Adam Kadmon Activation/ 24 strand DNA activation
This activation activates the 12 physical and 12 spiritual strands of the DNA, enabling you to hold more light in your light body. The benefits of this are tremendous for your spiritual growth as well as for those already on the path of light and healing.
Your spiritual gifts may come to the surface and obstacles removes as you align to your true purpose. Lifting you up new heights you will find your life has alot more meaning.
Some of the other benefits include:
Relief from anxiety and stress
Becoming physically infused with Light
Allowing you to see more clearly who you are and where you can go
Greater physical energy and mental acuity
Increased emotional stability
Strengthened immune system and response
Assistance in breaking of old unhealthy habits (like smoking, etc.)
Increased brain function and thought clarity
Assistance in increasing personal abundance
Assistance in creating positive relationships
Etheric Surgery
Negative energy can get stuck in the aura causing physical disease, trauma and repeated emotional patterns. By removing the blocks and filling with light the client is able to move forward in their life in a healthier and happier way.
An Etheric surgery treatment can have a major affect on your life.
Angel Light Healing
Cleanse and sooth your aura and body with the enormous healing power of the Angels. The Angels will work in your energy, soothing, healing & clearing all parts of you and sealing your aura with huge light and care. Feel cared for, surrounded in love and experience the peaceful presence of the Angelic realms.
Energy clearing and negative emotional release can be done on an individual basis.
Phone number : 07868170343
Email :
Annalisa Börjesson
Nutritional Therapy with Annalisa (organic-living.co.uk)
Phone: 07928098018 / Email: annalisa@organic-living.co.uk / Web: www.organic-living.co.uk
Annalisa offers Seasonal Yoga, Massage and Nutritional Therapy for anyone passionate about creating a sustainable happy, healthy & organic lifestyle.
My name is Annalisa and I have had the great fortune to be working in health and wellness for over 25 years. Starting my life in the world of competition horses I later moved on to follow my love of Dance, travelling worldwide to compete in LindyHop, Jive and AirSteps!
Parallel to my competition life, I trained as a Sports Therapist and Fitness instructor with Yoga playing a strong role in my own health and happiness. I have spent the past 20 years in Sweden running a Yoga & Massage studio where I also had the opportunity to be develop my interest in Nutritional Therapy. I am passionate about plant based living and offer a wide range of recipes, cooking demos and personal programmes for those of you looking to increase your awareness on how to incorporate more vegetarian foods in your diet.
Kate Zuill
www.katezuill.com Tel: 07798 884749
Kate Zuill - B.A.(Hons), KFRP (Kinesiology), Diploma in Natural Nutrition, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Emotional Freedom Techniques Trainer
EFT or Emotional Freedom (and Physical) Techniques or “that tapping therapy”
How does it work? Ever heard of Meridians on the body? Well, they exist even though we can’t see them.
They start on the head and go right down the body.
With EFT you tap gently on the easily accessible ones – approximately 14. It is painless. You don’t need to take your clothes off and it can be very quick.
If you tap them without tuning into anything – you probably will feel a bit more alert but otherwise not much happens.
If you tune into a pain you have in your body and say out loud for ex. “pain in left shoulder, hip, gut, throat, knees etc.” whilst tapping the ends of the meridians down the body you may well feel a lessening of the pain.
The same is true of emotions. If you have had a trauma, say in your childhood or just some anxiety that you cannot shrug off, the mind freezes and the emotions connected to the event are stored in the body. We can carry on life but when something similar happens, that can compound the original event even though you are not consciously aware of it. That too is stored in the body.
Instead of just saying the emotion felt and tapping down the body, the client is asked to “tune in” to the emotion and go to the event or events itself in their mind. Once the person is “tuned in” the event can be worked on emotion by emotion. The tapping balances the meridians and emotions are released at the time of the original event. At times pain connected to the emotions can be lessened.
The outcome is often – “Yes I remember what happened but it doesn’t bother me anymore”, “I can’t believe I was so worried about that”, “I don’t know why but I can’t actually picture the scene anymore”, and so on.
Please feel free to ring for a chat - 07798 884749
Justine Warhurst - Rewilding Health
Justine has spent the last 20 years in the healing arts, training in Nutrition, Functional Medicine, GAPS, NMT, Holistic Massage, (MTI, ITEC, Thai Massage.
REWILD HEALTH SESSIONS: These sessions are very much tailored to your needs. We will look at how current diet and lifestyle is affecting your health pulling from a wide variety of health trainings we will look at what changes can be made for better outcomes.
In person or online sessions available.
ADAPT trained Practitioner at the Kresser Institute for Functional and Evolutionary Medicine
Nutrition: The College of Natural Nutrition
Kundalini Yoga Teacher 200 hour, Yoga Alliance
NMT - The Feinberg Method
Community Herbalist - The Plant Medicine School
Contact: jdubsyoga@gmail.com
Massage in a chair can be the perfect way for busy people to reconnect, realign and reinvigorate, ready to face the rest of the day with fresh eyes and more energy and joy.
Chair massage, as indicates, is performed in a specially made chair that is angled and cushioned, to create the most supportive and comfortable posture to rest in and receive massage. It’ includes a face cradle to support the head. The massage is done through clothes which makes it extremely convenient and efficient time-wise.
Massage is an ancient healing technique, older than humans, as seen by the care many animal mothers give their offspring. Not only does it feel good and encourage deep relaxion it also has proven to be effective at reducing biological stress markers, negative psychological and physiological states. It also enhances positive ones.
Our bodies are sources of so much wisdom, intuition, pleasure, joy, intelligence and guidance. So much we miss out on if we aren’t fully inhabiting our bodies, due to poor health, tense muscles, blocked emotion and general stress. My passion is supporting people back into their body, where so much of life’s richness can be experienced.
20 mins : £20
30 mins : £30
40 mins : £40
If there are a few people in one place that would like to book a chair massage, depending on the distance and number of people who want to book, I could travel to your location.
Contact: jdubsyoga@gmail.com
Justine Rosenshield - Kundalini Yoga
The classes are designed so that you can feel completely comfortable exerting yourself minimally or maximally depending how you are feeling on any given day Kundalini yoga leaves you heart centred, feeling recharged, grounded, with second to none focus, razor sharp intuition, a renewed connection to self, back in the present moment where connection to others is much more profound and ready to face your day with grit and grace. Please see below in section titled: About Kundalini Yoga, for further information and what to bring.
KUNDALINI YOGA - MONDAYS Starting Monday 23rd October
730pm -9pm Kundalini Yoga - (includes meditation and breath-work and sacred chants) - Please register interest @ jdubsyoga@gmail.com
Drop in 90 minute class: £15
Pay by the term, in full at the start, 90 minute classes work out at £12 a class this way
8.00pm -9pm Kundalini Yoga Meditations - (includes breath-work and sacred chants).
Please register interest @ jdubsyoga@gmail.com
Drop in 60 minute class: £10
if you might be interested in a Thursday morning class (11.15 - 12.45) please email me @ jdubsyoga@gmail.com
AVAILIBILITY: Please email in advance to check availability and to let me know you are coming.
Left over from the old calendar, there are some day workshops on that will mean there wont be classes that day, so vital to email to check. This is just for a short transitional period that there is overlap, and thereafter will become more consistent.
Contact: jdubsyoga@gmail.com
Would you be interested in a class at other times? Please email me at jdubsyoga@gmail.com to register interest and when I have enough names I will start one up up.
£60 for a private 90 minute class at Holycombe, 1-6 people. More than 6? Each extra person on top £10
Contact: jdubsyoga@gmail.com
I happy to do private online classes. Please be in touch to arrange.
Please register interest for zoom classes along with preferred times and
possible availability, and when I have enough people I will start one.
Contact: jdubsyoga@gmail.com
Kundalini Yoga is best understood by experiencing it. Like many forms of yoga, it uses breath, movement, meditation and mantra in very specific ways and orders to generate energy and vitality, ultimately so we can live more joyful, potent lives.
You accomplish so many things in any one Kundalini Yoga session, it is a checklist heaven. Movement, meditation, flexibility, (you are as young as your spine is flexible), deep-breathing. In studies it has been shown to tone the vagus nerve, (your body can relax faster after stress) and encourage neuro-plasticity, (creates new neural pathways), all of which can help us shift our perspective and take positive action, as opposed to getting stuck in pre-programmed reactions. It gets you out of your mind and in you to your body where so much wisdom can be found and the practise of it amplifies awareness on all levels. According to yoga, many of the meditations burn off bad karma…and though this is getting into dodgy metaphorical territory….all I can say is good things do seem to happen when your practise is strong!
If you feel at all inspired, please come down to one of my classes. Beginners, advanced and in-between are welcome and accommodated for. When people say they don’t want to go to yoga because they are embarrassed that they are not good enough I want to shake the world. There is no such thing. Yoga is for everyone at any age or stage of anything. There is always a way to modify an exercise. The criteria to be successful at yoga, is to turn up, and do your best to connect to yourself and join in with the class according to your own inner authority on that particular day. Some days you might be really active and others you might want to go gently. Just rest when you have had enough of any particular exercise. I hope part of the benefit of taking this class is that you learn when you need to rest and when you need to challenge yourself to go on - mastering the art of knowing which is appropriate for you at any given time is invaluable wisdom. Some positions are held for a few minutes and this means those that really want to push themselves physically will get the opportunity and get in some ‘high intensity training’ like action and those that don’t, can do a few seconds only and then rest.
Much of Kundalini yoga is done with your eyes closed, or focused on a certain point, so for any self-conscious people, you don’t need to worry it will feel quite a private experience. We do some mantras out loud and at times this is done along to music. Some people love this and others don’t but please don’t let this put you off. Just listen if you prefer and sing along in your head until you feel more comfortable.
Wear comfy clothes, bring a yoga mat, and a blanket. It’s important to keep warm during the shivasana (relaxing part), if possible.
Look forward to see you there 💛
Contact: Justine Warhurst
Justine has spent the last 20 years in the healing arts, training in Nutrition, Functional Medicine, GAPS, NMT, MTI, ITEC, Thai Massage & Yoga. Using all these trainings I try to find the simplest way to help you find your way to realignment.
ADAPT trained Practitioner at the Kresser Institute for Functional and Evolutionary Medicine
Nutrition: The College of Natural Nutrition
Kundalini Yoga Teacher 200 hour, Yoga Alliance
NMT - The Feinberg Method
Community Herbalist - The Plant Medicine School