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Rules developed by the Local Planners and Historic England (*) in consultation with the owners.


  1. Holycombe Retreat Centre and associated buildings have planning permission for mixed use as a private dwelling and as a residential retreat centre and for weekday classes (such as Yoga) and therapies.

  2. All buildings on site are also permitted to be used for Holiday Lets and other ancillary uses.

  3. These uses are subject to the following conditions:

  4. HRC will provide overnight accommodation commercially for no more than 31 people at any time.

  5. The commercial use of the GROUNDS is restricted to the following hours: Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm and Sundays/Bank Holidays 9am - 5pm with certain quiet exceptions, including quiet dining, walking, meditation &c. provided no music or drumming occur.

  6. All associated vehicles must be parked on site and not on adjoining roads.

  7. Any commercial activities not expressly permitted by the planning permission notice (a copy of which is available on request) will require written permission from the Local Planning Authority (Stratford DC).

  8. Details of all bookings, including forward bookings, will be retained for 2 years. Any bookings for private use, such as parties, will be colour to clearly distinguish it from commercial bookings.

  9. These rules will be published on the appropriate website:

  10. Complaints, feedback & suggestions can be made to or the website or telephone to 01608 684239 or 07974 080013

  11. The site is defined as an area boundaried by a red-line shown on drawing number 15-5485-100 P1, which formed part of the planning permission, a copy of which is available on request.


  • * Historic England is the government agency responsible for the maintenance of Scheduled Ancient Monuments. The Campsite occupies the SAM of Whichford’s Norman Castle.   

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